Category Hunger

Still Hungry Even Though You Are Physically Full?

Do you ever have the feeling that you are hungry all of the time? What about the sensation that you are physically stuffed, but you still crave food? These experiences point to the fact that there are two types of… Continue Reading →

Are You Stuck In Metabolic Limbo?

Metabolic Limbo is a bad place to be both mentally and physically. It’s the middle ground between the wellbeing of an optimal metabolism and misery of extreme restriction– most of the symptoms of restriction, with very few of the benefits… Continue Reading →

Intuitive Eating Shouldn’t Require Awareness… That’s Dieting

At one point or another, you have probably heard the idea of intuitive eating, which involves getting back to your roots and listening to your body when deciding how much and what to eat. This approach can be amazing because… Continue Reading →

Food Fixations From Dieting

Is your mind constantly consumed by thoughts of food? Do you tense up when you see food left on someone’s plate and wish it was socially acceptable for you to eat it? Do you spend all day fixating on your… Continue Reading →

Recovering Satiety in Three Stages

A common occurrence with those who have successfully shed their dieting mentally and have begun eating to satiety is an eventual return of their weight to their pre-yo-yo dieting levels. This is not just anecdotal– even the participants in the… Continue Reading →

What Is a Balanced Diet Anyway?

One topic that often comes up a lot in the metabolism recovery and intuitive eating sphere is the concept of a balanced diet. It is often recommended that those recovering from eating disorders eat balanced meals in order to get… Continue Reading →

Do Cheat Meals Lead to Disordered Eating?

In the age of Instagram and youtube, broadcasting one’s cheat meals has become a regular practice for many fitness influencers. Naturally, the more extreme these cheat meals, the more reach these videos get. This has led to increasingly extreme food… Continue Reading →

Eating “Normal” Amounts but Still Hungry?

You see this hungry Pug… Well, that was me. One thing that always confused me about restriction was the fact that my cravings and hunger seemed to get worse when I allowed myself a “cheat” meal or a short diet… Continue Reading →

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