Metabolism Recovery Book

Hi, my name is Christophe. In the process of chasing my body and fitness goals, I ended up with constant food cravings, poor digestion, hormone imbalances, and a myriad of other symptoms associated with chronic dieting and overtraining. This led me on an odyssey to recover my metabolism.
👉Your body and mind aren’t “broken”, they just think you’re starving.👈
I wrote this book on metabolism recovery to share the knowledge that allowed me to finally recover after living for six years with a “damaged” metabolism and an eating disorder. My goal is to help you makes sense of your food cravings and other symptoms of metabolic adaptation.
In This Book You Will Discover:
- Why your metabolism isn’t truly “broken” and how to fix it.
- Why “Emotional” eating is often not emotional at all, but rather the result of altered hunger hormones.
- The two main types of hormonal imbalances caused by dieting and overtraining and how to fix them.
- How to escape the trap of intuitive dieting and finally perfect the art of intuitive eating.
- The 20 most common Metabolism Recovery Questions answered in detail over 65 pages.
- The most common road blocks to recovering your metabolism.
- How Binge Eating and Bulimia are often caused by hormonal dysregulation, rather than psychological problems.
- Why you aren’t truly “addicted” to food, but why it feels like you are.
- The 5 Keys to Metabolism Recovery in detail.
- How to shift your paradigm to end the war between you and your survival instincts.
- How to take back the power from food, so you can better enjoy the time with friends and family without constantly thinking about your next meal.
- How traditional therapy and nutrition advice can actually prolong your recovery.
- Why you still have cravings and other symptoms despite being at a “normal” weight.
- The three-quarter of a century old study that demystifies eating disorders.
- Why body positivity is not necessary for recovery.
- How to finally be satisfied after meals by learning the secrets of physical hunger vs brain hunger.
- Why traditional diets are so hard to stick to. Hint: it’s not about willpower.
- How dieting “hacks” like cheat meals make disordered eating worse.