Tag Minnesota Starvation Experiment

Food Fixations From Dieting

Is your mind constantly consumed by thoughts of food? Do you tense up when you see food left on someone’s plate and wish it was socially acceptable for you to eat it? Do you spend all day fixating on your… Continue Reading →

Is Your Metabolism Really Damaged from Dieting?

The term “Damaged Metabolism” is thrown around quite often in the diet and fitness internet sphere. The idea behind it is that by dieting or restricting for a period of time, your metabolism slows down and no longer function the… Continue Reading →

Eating “Normal” Amounts but Still Hungry?

You see this hungry Pug… Well, that was me. One thing that always confused me about restriction was the fact that my cravings and hunger seemed to get worse when I allowed myself a “cheat” meal or a short diet… Continue Reading →

Loss of Sex Drive and Libido from Dieting

Are you less interested in sex or dating than you were before you started dieting and losing weight? Or as one of the more animated participants of the Minnesota Starvation Experiment put it, do you “have no more sexual feeling… Continue Reading →

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